Azteca, Mexiko) Bernd Bissinger
– Health-Coach
© Photo: Sandro Behrndt
With the discovery of the Medical Medium® books my life has fundamentally changed. Over the last two years I have been able to optimize my nutrition thanks to the crucial information Anthony provides. From the first page of the first book, it was clear that I had finally found the book that I had been visualizing for seven years, and that it was able to answer all of my burning health questions, from both in my private and professional life, in addition to resolving all contradictions amongst the many dietary theories out there.
From that point on, things went catapulting forward:
- In the summer of 2019 I successfully brought Vimergy to Germany, Anthony William`s favorite supplement manufacturer.
- I became a member of the “freihochdrei” moderator team, which was the largest German-spoken Medical Medium® Support Facebook group at that time (until 12/2023)
- At the beginning of 2020 I recorded my first YouTube video for the “freihochdrei” Health Weeks and became a member of the “freihochdrei” Health Ambassadors.
A short time later, the next highlight followed: I joined Muneeza’s Support Coach Team. Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®, is a member of the Healing Ambassadors recommended by Anthony William and runs the world’s most comprehensive online training programs in the Medical Medium® knowledge universe. Only a few days after joining, another premiere took place: my first Facebook live with the Team.
Muneeza about me:
Instagram Post, 13th of March 2023:

Instagram Post, 6th of April 2023:

Of outstanding value on my personal health journey in addition to the knowledge universe of Medical Medium® was my training to become an NLP master. The techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, i.e. the programming of our subconscious through our language, helped me deal with the massive confrontation of a diagnosis that is considered to be incurable by medical communities.
Today it is an indispensable tool in my daily coaching practice and the approach is very popular with my clients.
Top 200 Entrepreneurs by BRAINZMAGAZINES:
The Brainz CREA Global Award is a prestigious list of top entrepreneurs, influential leaders, and innovators who have been recognized for their innovative ideas, resourcefulness, or their accomplishments in the areas of sustainability and mental health.

Top 20 Health Coach awards der Coach Foundation
“Bernd’s skills as a Health Coach have earned him a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.”

References of Dr. (Honorary doctorate/Universidad Azteca, Mexiko) Bernd Bissinger:
- Certified Health Coach from the „Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN®)“, March 2016, New York, USA
- Member of the International Association for Health Coaches (IAHC)
- Former Health Ambassador and moderator at “freihochdrei” (Germanys largest MM community), August 2019 to Oktober 2021 (Facebook group active until the end of 2022)
- Support Coach of Team Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®, Healing Ambassador, Medical Intuitive, Health Coach (IIN®)
- Participant of the “Detox Mastery Program” with Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®
- Participant of the “Adrenal Reset Program” with Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®
- Support Coach “Intuitive Healing Community” with Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®, 2020 and 2021
- Support Coach “Rise Up – 2-Month Online Practitioner Support Program” with Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®, October 2021, February 2022, May 2022, April 2023 (Sole Support Coach)
- Head Support Coach „Soar Higher: A 6-Month Intuitive Business Accelerator“, February 2023
- NLP-Master certified by the German NLP Association, March 2018
Media contributions:
- Article on the blog of “Lexoffice” (accounting software), February 2020
- Youtube video contribution about the 28-day-cleanse for the “freihochdrei & friends” health weeks, February 2020
- Facebook Crisis Support Live with Team Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN®, see her Fb or IGTV account; My turn: Min. 59:40, March 2020
- Speaker at the “Healing Chronic Illness Summit”, May 2020
- Interview with @Chronisch_ehrlich on IGTV (suize IG channel), May 2020
- Interview with Muneeza, INTUITIVE MEDICINE WOMAN® (published October 2020 in the IHC 2020)
- Interview with “Bucher Media” for Youtube (November 2020) – with prof. english subtitles
- Article in the online edition of “Focus”, one of Germanys top 3 newsmagazines (publication: July 2020)
- Article in the online edition of the “Tagesspiegel”, No. 10 of Germanys most cited newspapers (publication: July 2020)
- Speaker Internationaler Gesundheitskongress, January 2021
- Podcast interview with @questforhealingpodcast, January 2021
- Podcast interview with @happinessfromwithinnow, February 2021
- Speaker at the “Compassionate Souls Festival” via livestream, lecture title: “Medical Medium® Tools and their effects on selected organs”, 06/2023
Additional media content in german language: german website.