Avoid health challenges ruining your life! Take active precautions now!
Publications from
Dr. (Honorary doctorate/Universidad Azteca, Mexiko) Bernd Bissinger
in Germany's top newspapers and magazines
For legal reasons I am not allowed to post my article directly to my website but you can translate the articles easily by copying them into your favorite online translation tool like e.g. www.deepl.com
As I myself have been diagnosed with MS and have been and am confronted daily with numerous psychological, mental and physical challenges, I can put myself in my clients' shoes very easily.
And that is why I know what to do in my nutrition protocols today!
In my numerous discussions with people interested in my coaching services, the same wish is expressed over and over again:
„I want to lose the fear and understand what is going on so that I can be self-empowered again and know what solutions to implement“

- Are fear, worry and hopelessness dominating your life?
- Are you thinking often: Why me of all people?
- Are you suffering from restrictions in all areas of your life?
Take your fate into your own hands and avoid that your life is being determined by health challenges! Take active precautions now!
Do you feel stuck? Are you unsure of what to do now?
I am Dr. (Honorary doctorate/Universidad Azteca, Mexiko) Bernd Bissinger and I am firmly convinced that a turnaround can be achieved with a consistent, planned health reorientation.
Can you imagine what it is like to finally regain control over your life?
To feel reborn? To live with intention and consciousness like never before? To feel like yourself again and follow your heart in everything you do?

Three simple steps:
Step 1:
Make an appointment and find out how I can help you as a health coach
Step 2:
The plan and its implementation with me at your side
Step 3:
Experience and celebrate the positive changes step by step
Take the first step
What my clients say about
me as their health coach:

Natalie Acker
“Ich kann Bernd als Ernährungsberater jedem und jeder chronisch Kranken nur wärmstens empfehlen! Er ist sehr professionell, gut strukturiert, immer vorbereitet und nimmt sich die Zeit, die es braucht, um alle Fragen restlos zu klären. Bei seiner warmen Stimme fühlt man sich beim Telefoncoaching wunderbar gut aufgehoben, seine Wortwahl zeugt von seinem hohen Einfühlungsvermögen. Last but not least punktet er mit seinem großen Know-how und Wissen rund um alle Ernährungsfragen.”
Marcel Utpatel
aus Hamburg
“Bernd besitzt ein außerordentlich breites Wissen im Bereich Ernährungsumstellung nach AW. Er steht einem mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Was ich für mich und meine Gesundheit, in mehr als einem Jahr, durch Recherchen und das Lesen von mehreren Büchern heraus gefunden habe, ist wenig, im Vergleich mit dem, was ich durch Bernd in den ersten drei Sitzungen Ernährungscoaching lernen durfte.”

Carola Meyerstrasse
Landkreis Osnabrück
“Bernd Bissingers Wissen über die Erkenntnisse des medialen Mediums Anthony William sind so detailreich wie umfassend. Im Gespräch gelingt es ihm immer den für mich passenden individuellen Ernährungsweg zu finden!”
“If medical professionals had any idea what really causes people`s suffering, there would be a revolution in the way we think about nearly every aspect of our health.“
- Medical Medium, Anthony William, Celery Juice, p. 180 -
What makes Dr. (Honorary doctorate/Universidad Azteca, Mexiko) Bernd Bissinger stand out as a health coach?
Equipped with a Latin proficiency certificate, a degree in Business Administration (including an additional degree in Business Spanish and individual spanish lessons in Guatemala and Ecuador), in 2007 I embarked on an adventure with one of the “Big 5” companies in the industry at the headquarters in Madrid. I spent almost two years as an audit assistant which were as fascinating as they were educational.
After the outbreak of the global economic crisis, I moved back to the company’s office in Stuttgart Germany, where I was able to gain valuable experience in auditing for another four years, where I further honed my analytical skills. For one year I attended the preparatory course in order to become a tax consultant, but suddenly began to experience mysterious symptoms in the summer of 2012. An odyssey of medical examinations began, at the end of which, MS was the final diagnosis. From a conventional medical point of view, MS is still considered to be “incurable”.
Since my mother and grandmother died of the same diagnosis, it was clear to me from the very beginning that I would have to take my health into my own hands. Following my intuition, I looked for the solution in nutrition, and in 2015 I started my studies online at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®[Advertising] , the world’s largest and most renowned training center for Health Coaches. I read countless health books, which were often contradictory – until I found Anthony William – The Medical Medium® and the search came to a happy ending in 2018.